The Treemendous Story of Project Quercus
Dave Zeiger, TLC’s Oak Conservation Outreach Specialist, reflects on 10 years of planting oaks
Dave Zeiger planted trees with TLC’s CLIP interns in 2023.
Over the last 10 years, thousands of local citizens (yes, thousands!) have planted oak trees all over McHenry County. During this period nearly 3,500 trees have been planted.
Why? Oaks are a keystone species that supports our natural environment.
Where? Public parks, school grounds, conservation easements and TLC properties.
Who? Teachers leading their students to be citizens + many adult volunteers + buyers of memorial/celebration oaks to honor loved ones + scouts.
How? For the last 10 years, I have been a part-time employee of TLC, holding the appropriate title of “Oak Conservation Outreach Specialist”. It has been a voyage of joy. Let’s use a school group as an example of the planting experience …
Before planting with the group there is a lesson, including why we undertake this duty. I use the Apollo 8 photo taken of the earth in 1968 to implant the inspiration that the beautiful image in the frame is the one and only home we have. Many of the students react with awe at the photo and its perspective. Is there an upside-down? The earth is to be taken care of. Let’s get to work!
We stand outside in a large circle. A few student volunteers and I demonstrate the planting process. The students are grouped three to a tree. Questions? Let’s get them answered – all are eager for ACTION!
The work is happy and spirited. “Be careful with that shovel.” The students I have worked with range from 4th grade to 8th grade. Many of our students have never dug a hole! It’s fun to watch them as they dig and go through the steps needed to plant. Sometimes a little coaching is needed.
They get the job done and then are running to water their newly planted trees. Every tree has been handled with care. Lastly, the students engrave a name for their tree on a small tag to be wired to the post.
Some of the plantings require two busloads of students, enabling us to plant nearly 80 trees in one day. We end with an important message – the trees you have planted have meaning. They are to be Mighty Oaks of the Future! “As your tree grows, so will you. You are the future. You, as a citizen, can make a difference.”
A big hug for providing sites …
Local parks: Port Barrington, Woodstock, McHenry, Crystal Lake, Harvard, McHenry County Conservation District, Moraine Hills State Park, Village of Cary Grove
School sites – Harrison School, Johnsburg High School/Junior High/Elementary, McHenry County College, Lundahl Middle School, Bernotas Middle School, Husman Elementary and Prairiewood School
Ah, the memories …
As the years pass, there are amusing memories, such as, “Mr. Zeiger! Dennis put a zip tie on his finger and he can’t get it off!” Dennis states, bashfully, “I should have known better.” Well, I know children – and thankfully I had a clipper in my pocket.
Another time a fourth-grade girl did not like when I used the word “labor”. “I don’t like to do labor,” she said obstinately. However, when it came time to plant she was right there, digging with all the other students!
Dave Zeiger at home in his native plant garden.