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stiff gentian flower wet prairie yonder245x326

Native Plant Finder

stiff gentian flower wet prairie yonder245x326Plants can be picky. Some love sun, others want plenty of shade. Some like their feet wet and others thrive when they are high and dry! People can be picky, too. We want red leaves in fall. White flowers in spring. We want our plants just this tall and no taller.

A great resource for choosing native plants to fit your particular needs and site is available at the Red Buffalo Nursery website (click here). Red Buffalo is a wholesale native plant nursery located Northeast of Hebron right here in McHenry County.

Once you know what plants you are looking for, the next trick is finding the plants! Fortunately, there are some great native plant sales in our area:

    • Sunday, May 1, 2016, noon – 3pm. The WPPC’s Annual Native PlantSale at McHenry County College. Arrive early to get the best selection!
    • Saturday-Sunday, May 2-3, 2015, 9am – 3pm. Citizens for Conservation’s Annual Native Plant Sale, 450 W. Highway 22, in Lake Barrington (Good Shepherd Hospital). A nice feature of CFC’s sale is that starting March 1st, people can place pre-orders for wildflowers, grasses, trees and shrubs. As long as orders are placed by April 10th, the pre-orders can be picked up on Friday, May 1st. That way you are guaranteed to get the plants you want – without waiting in line! Visit for more information.

Additionally, Red Buffalo Nursery holds 2-3 weekends of retail sales each spring, usually in May. Check their website: for details.