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Author: Karen Phelps

Farmer Landowner Match Program

The Land Conservancy offers a program called the Farmer Landowner Match Program. It is a way to connect farmers who are looking for land with landowners who have land that they want to lease or sell for agricultural use.  The...

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Blanding’s Turtle found on a TLC site

TLC staff found a Blanding’s Turtle on a TLC site. The turtle appears to have suffered (and healed) from a past injury. Blanding’s turtles are considered endangered in Illinois, which is why this is exciting to...

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Natural Farm Stand, Richmond

TLC is grateful to Natural Farm Stand in Richmond IL for growing the vegetable starter plants we are offering as part of our Sustainability Sale. The number of people growing food in their home gardens has exploded over the...

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TLC Celebrates 200th Conservation@Home Property

Congrats to Carol Giammattei on becoming TLC’s 200th participating Conservation@Home property! Not only is Carol a dedicated TLC volunteer, she’s also landscaping with native plants in the small outdoor spaces surrounding...

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TLC Office Hours

Need to stop by or call the TLC office in Woodstock? Our office hours for the next few weeks will be Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 1:00-5:00 p.m.

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