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TLC’s 32nd Annual Celebration – A Recap

TLC’s 32nd Annual Celebration took place on Sunday, April 23. Guests had a pleasant afternoon at a new venue, the McHenry Country Club and enjoyed a “high tea”, awards, guest presentation, raffle, silent auction...

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Identifying Trees in Winter

TLC’s Winter Tree and Shrub Identification class took place Jan. 18 at Ryders Woods. We learned how to identify several native trees and shrubs as well as some annoying invasives. Thank you to everyone who came out, we...

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Job Opening at TLC – Food Forest Manager

Food Forest Manager (part time) View PDF job description  The Land Conservancy is looking for the right person to help us with our food forest! Our goal is to transition a conventionally farmed field into a place for the community...

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TLC Hosts New Year’s Eve Oak Rescue

On New Year’s Eve, TLC hosted another successful McHenry County oak rescue! Thanks to the wonderful crew who worked at Irish Oaks Nature Preserve to free two oak trees from the brush that was surrounding them. Aaron...

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