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Tag: climate

Weather and a Changing Climate

Interesting weather this winter, wasn’t it? Last December brought tornadoes to the south and a blizzard to west Texas. Locally, we set some near-records for daily high temperatures in late December and again in January...

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What does the warm winter mean?

In December 2010, I wrote an article about the coming of winter – “Slow down and take a cue from nature” In it, I discussed the fact that in this part of the world, nature takes a break in the winter, and...

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Signs of the Times? Drought, Flood & Fire

Two weeks ago, the weather experts were talking about how 2011 could turn out to be the driest July on record for the Chicago area. Well, driving to work today, I heard the news that July 2011 is now officially the wettest...

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What are You waiting for?

We each need to do something – now. That was the message from Dr. Kathleen Dean Moore at last night’s Moral Ground discussion at MCC. If you would like to leave a world to future generations as rich in possibilities...

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The Heat of Summer

For the month of July, the average high temperature in Chicago is 83.5. So far this year (2010), the average high temp in July is closer to 87. The average last summer was about 80 degrees – one of the coolest July’s...

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