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Tag: oak woodland

Bonnie and Clyde visit the woods (reprint)

I understand that it is welcome to see something green in the woods after winter, but please keep in mind that the welcome glint of green you see spells trouble for our native trees, shrubs and wildflowers. That green you see...

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Bonnie and Clyde visit the woods

I understand that it is welcome to see something green in the woods after winter – especially after the winter we just had – but just keep in mind that the welcome glint of green you see spells trouble for our...

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Third Generation Oaks

“We are responsible for the third generation of oaks in McHenry County.” Mary Tree McClelland, horticulturist, Glacier Oaks Nursery in Harvard. To Mary’s way of thinking, the first generation of oaks was the one that...

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First Green of Spring = Trouble!

Any day now, a faint green will start showing up in local woods right at eye level. While the spring color may be welcome to one’s winter-weary eyes, it is a sign of trouble for native oak and hickory trees. The problem with...

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McHenry County & Biodiversity

“Green infrastructure” – as opposed to traditional built infrastucture like roads – includes the living systems like wetlands and woodlands that provide essential support to our communities in the form...

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Can People Learn to Live with Trees?

It seems that local trees have been in the news a lot this year. And it looks like the trees are often losing to “progress” or “infrastructure.” Here are just a few of the items I’ve heard about...

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