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Tag: TLC

A Few Thoughts on Oaks and Climate Change

We worked with a group of 9 volunteers the other day to plant 120 oak trees. While taking a mid-morning donut break, folks were talking about whether or not we should be planting species other than native oaks because of climate...

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Blogging about a Blog?

The latest news is that I now have a blog about nature on the NW Herald’s website: It is called “Speaking of Nature,” and the...

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Reading the Land

As the crops are harvested in the fall, the land’s forms become more clear. Gentle swells and swales that were obscured by corn are suddenly prominent. If one takes the time to learn the language of the land forms, the land...

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TLC is Not…

When The Land Conservancy of McHenry County did a survey of members and other community stakeholders last year, one of the frustrating results was that even some people who know me personally still think TLC is something...

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