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Author: Lisa

Winter Control of Brush and Vines

Some folks may think that with the onset of winter, we can stop thinking about invasive plants – after all, they aren’t growing in winter, right? Well, while we may not have to worry about them growing during the...

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It’s fog season

“The fog comes on little cat feet” wrote Illinois poet Carl Sandburg in 1916 as he watched the fog roll in at the Lake Michigan shore in Chicago. The next line, “It sits looking over harbor and city on silent haunches and then...

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Climate Change and the Future

Did anyone else notice that the President mentioned climate change during his victory speech early Wednesday morning? Specifically, he said: “We want our children to live in an America that isn’t burdened by debt,...

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Kale does not get my vote…

Has this election cycle left you with a bad taste in your mouth? Well, at least no one’s making you eat kale. I’m a fan of eating seasonally fresh foods, but that has never included certain vegetables that are common this time...

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A Few Thoughts on Oaks and Climate Change

We worked with a group of 9 volunteers the other day to plant 120 oak trees. While taking a mid-morning donut break, folks were talking about whether or not we should be planting species other than native oaks because of climate...

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